Ramadan Reflections: Day 26 Nafs Hack with Walid Hamadeh
Nafs Hack: Don’t Waste Time Assalamu alaikum! This is Walid Hamadeh, and this is my Nafs Hack. So, have you ever felt pressured with your day-to-day tasks? Have you ever felt like there’s just so much piling up and you don’t know what to do? Do you ever wake up in the morning and think, ‘Oh man, I have so many things to do’, and you don’t know where to start and you end up not doing anything? Well, it happens to all of us. It happens to me especially. I think the problem is we have really poor time management. Essentially, we like to waste a lot of time.…
Ramadan Reflections: Day 16 Nafs Hack with Nourah Samarkandi
Nafs Hack: Timing with Zhikr Assalamu alaikum! My name is Nourah Samarkandi, and this is my Nafs Hack for today. I like to do stretches in the morning. Normally, people time themselves with a timer when they’re doing stretches, but I like to time myself by saying Azkar Al-Subah. For example, when I do one move I say Surah Al-Falaq, and for the next move I say Surah An-Nas. This way, I remember to do my stretches and my azkar. You can apply this to any exercise you normally do. I hope this helps you remember to say your azkar during this Ramadan.