‘The Wiz’: How To Live With Perspective, Even in Oz
With NBC’s powerful premier of ‘The Wiz Live!’, talk about The Wiz’s revival is everywhere. But we need to stop focusing The Wizard of Oz and The Wiz comparisons on race.
Going Giving … On a Tuesday
1 December 2015 -- After Black Friday, and Cyber Monday and perhaps a little too much pie, you've done a lot of getting on days that are essentially made up. So why not officially make up a day for giving? It's about balance. And although giving should be a part of our every day lives, it doesn't hurt to counter all the getting we're doing with a reminder to give.
My Giving Perspective After a Month In Paradise
During this time of year, people are thinking a lot about all the giving they'll be doing, and all the receiving they'll be doing, and all the food they'll be eating ...
A Crime Fighting Superhero in Hijab?
Egypt's superhero isn't just named after a major city. Her name translates to "conquerer" in Arabic, and Qahera wears hijab, hates sexual harassment and can fly! She's not your typical superhero in tights.
Our Veterans Are Diverse, Remember That Diversity
Today is Veterans Day, and while some have chosen to slam Google for being too inclusive (because their search engine artwork is not predominately “white”), we should consider how terribly misleading an accusation like that really is.
From Earthquake Shaken Pakistan: “As the winter weather looms, every bit helps.”
We started the morning early and traveled up a nearby mountain in a small jeep. Only one car can pass at a time. The earthquake broke off parts of the road, and landslides are a constant hazard.
From Earthquake Shaken Pakistan: “We Can’t Be Too Tired To Help”
It's 2 a.m. when I arrive in Pakistan. I'd be leaving for the field again just four hours later. We took a 7 hour ride to Shangla, which is 90 miles away as the bird flies, but by road in underdeveloped landscape, it's more than 230 miles: First by highway, then by small, side-road, then on mountain roads, and finally along mountain trails to get to the remote areas where the earthquake hurt Pakistan most.
Young, Muslim and Charitable in The United States? You’re part of America’s Generation of Influential Philanthropists
Americans gave an estimated $358.58 billion in charity in 2014. This number is the highest charitable contribution ever, according to Giving USA, perhaps the most authoritative report on philanthropic giving in the country. In fact, more Americans report giving charity than carrying out any other ‘moral’ activity, like going to church or mosque. And to complement this trend, about a third of charitable giving in the United States is towards religious institutions. In this short piece, I focus on the factors driving youth philanthropy and what it says about the changing landscape of giving, more generally.
These Smart Giving Tips Can Lower Your Taxes
Dear Giver, it's true. The end of the year is a good time for charities. That’s why they ask you for your money at this time the most (along with every kind of company with any kind of product to sell). And it should be a good time for you too.
Are You Tricking Yourself Out Of Treats That Are Good For You?
Forget, just for a moment, debates about the commodification of Halloween and other days happening in the United States now through the end of the year, and forgive me while I take the idea of "treating" in another direction. I promise I'm not about to encourage or discourage Halloween or any other day. Anyway, I think there's something really disturbing about joining the innocence of babes and their love for sweets and zombie-creatures roaming around with blood and gore and … you know what I mean.