Sharing Meat with Families in Need: Worship and Service Join on Eid
One-quarter of the world’s population is anemic, according to the World Health Organization. That includes nearly half of all preschool-age children. In that age group, almost half of all deaths are due to undernutrition—that’s about 3 million children every year. For many impoverished families, one major factor in their poor health is their inability to buy meat. On Eid al-Adha, IRUSA donors will turn worship a blessing for many of those families by sending them a gift of meat. Qurbani—also known as Udhiyah—is IRUSA’s biggest food program. This fresh, halal meat donors share is often the only meat the recipients eat all year. It’s both a rare holiday treat and…
A Mother’s Day Dictionary
by Jahanara Hoque I think we can all agree that one day, let alone one word, isn’t enough to celebrate the wonderful women that we call our mothers. This Mother’s Day, to honor all the moms out there, I reached out to expecting mothers, new mothers, veteran moms, and children alike to ask them what exactly is it that makes their mom and being a mom so special? What do you love most about her? What is one word that you feel best sums up motherhood? Although there will never be enough words to express the magnitude of love that surrounds moms, I think I caught a small but heartwarming…
IRUSA-Supported Sewing Academy Grads Hone Their Skills One Stitch At A Time
A famous African proverb states: “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation.” That quote also was used by Ieasha Prime, director of women’s programs at Dar-Al-Hijra, to describe the graduating class of the 8th semester of the mosque’s Sewing Academy. The latest class comprised of 12 women. In addition to certificates, each graduate received a Singer Start 1304 sewing machine, which virtually assures them access to a tool to building on their success. Islamic Relief USA helped launch the sewing course in 2014, when it awarded it a $10,000 grant. Within two weeks of the grant, Prime said…
Disasters Serve As Tests of Strength…In More Ways Than One
It’s always rewarding to be part of the solution, alleviating the woes of the people who were severely impacted by the major weather events. Last year, it felt as if one disaster didn’t complete unleashing its wrath before another one took place in some other part of the U.S. Fortunately, Islamic Relief USA, a humanitarian and advocacy organization that works in more than 40 countries, lent a hand in the aftermath of many of these catastrophic, and often life-changing events. Thanks to our relatively new Disaster Response Team (DRT), the organization, which will mark its 25th anniversary later this year, was able to have an on-the-ground presence and help people…
Gender Justice in the Time of the Great Human Experiment of Co-Existence.
By Aseel Elborno To begin, I will recount the message from God Almighty, who tells us in the Quran: People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s eyes, the most honored of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware [Qur’an 49:13] I attended the 62nd Commission on the status of women at the United Nations (aka CSW) this past week and left having so many thoughts and ideas to unpack and reflect on. The panels I participated in ranged from Empowering Women…
The Levels of Faith: Which Phase Are You In?
By Aseel Elborno “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand ( ie engaging your representatives, going to marches, signing petitions, voting, volunteering); and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue ( ie speaking up in social gatherings, writing on social media) and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart ( ie thoughts and prayers) — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim] Islam is a faith that calls for action in the face of injustice. A simple google search with the words Islam and justice will dish out hundreds…
Disaster Response Still Needed…Islamic Relief USA Steps In
With the onslaught of natural disasters that took place throughout much of 2017, it’s easy to lose track which happened when, and where. Just in my short time here, I’ve heard and seen accounts of hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis, all within a short time. When they happen so close together, it’s common that the latest disaster trumps (the verb, not the president) the one that took place before it. And then it doesn’t take long for the one that’s getting the attention currently to be overshadowed soon by another act of God. Hurricane Harvey, for example, happened way back in August. Since then, you had Hurricane Irma in Florida, a…
Volunteering in the Spirit of Martin Luther King Day Brought Out the Best in All
It doesn’t get more rewarding than volunteering on Martin Luther King Day. I should correct that and say it doesn’t get any better than volunteering and being surrounded with some genuine bleeding hearts who decided to devote some of their holiday afternoon to give back to society, rather than just chilling at home or spending it with friends. I got to see this spirit of generosity up close and personally at the Clock Tower Thrift Shop, one of many destinations where Islamic Relief USA had volunteers as part of Martin Luther King Day – Day of Service. The store is in a modest building on the corner of a residential street…
Survival Is Important, but so Is Livelihood
25th Anniversary Development Spotlight: Europe Islamic Relief offices around the world undertake many noble projects around the world. But one area that doesn’t get enough attention is the Balkan region. A curious fact, considering that IRUSA was founded to respond to the suffering in the Bosnian war in 1993. Ismail Saif, manager of International Programs for Islamic Relief USA, recently visited three nations in the Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo. All of them have Islamic Relief field offices that launched various livelihood projects. Many of them have yielded positive results and in some cases, exceeded initial projections. But, the unfortunate reality is, many of them have been halted or…
On the Road with the Promise for Palestine Tour
By David Hawa Travel Log: Seattle ✈ San Francisco ✈ LA ✈ San Diego The magic number this week has been four. For the past four days, I’ve been in four cities, doing four charity events, averaging less than four hours of sleep, and spending less than (twenty) four hours in each city. The reason for my travels? Islamic Relief’s Promise for Palestine tour with humanitarian and world renowned artist Mohammed Assaf. The money raised on this tour will benefit the Palestinian people we serve through our programs. I’m sure people might say wow, lucky guy: Seattle, San Francisco, LA and San Diego in one trip. But honestly, you can’t tell the difference from city to…