For this Eid, Gratitude Means Everything
A reflection on the bounties Eid Al-Adha reminds us of.

The Lead up to Qurbani
Dhul-Hijjah is upon us, a truly special time of the year where Muslims from all around the world can ask forgiveness from Allah for any potential shortcomings they may have had. Fasting is also sunnah during the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Bringing with it the equivalent reward to that of staying up during Laylatul Qadr, it’s really that powerful.
“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days.” (Bukhari)
The Big Day
As the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah draw to a close, and we complete our ninth fast, our attention then turns to one of the most blessed, joyful and celebrated days of the year, Eid-al-Adha. With the arrival of Eid-al-Adha comes the reason why we celebrate, Qurbani. The act of Qurbani is obligatory for all Muslims and carries with it a powerful significance, but just what is that significance?

We are distributing more than 4000 Qurbani meal in first and second days of EID AL Adha for Syrian refugee, Palestinian and host community in south Lebanon and Bekaa
The Magic of Qurbani
Qurbani isn’t just a chance to celebrate Eid-al-Adha, it’s a period of remembrance, remembering the sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim made to Allah in his willingness to forgo his son in the name of Allah. Remembering those less fortunate, and exercising our willingness to bring them joy during this special time. Remembering how fortunate we are, for all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us.
Beyond an Animal
Donating a Qurbani is about more than just providing meat to a family in need. It’s about recognising the importance of not being attached to worldly desires, and truly submitting ourselves to the will of Allah. Acknowledging that there is nothing more important than attaining Allah’s love and a special place in the hereafter.
Prophet Ibrahim was willing to sacrifice his son to fulfil Allah’s wish, no greater sacrifice for a parent. This shows us just that, Allah seeks only our love and in return gifts us with his undying mercy, that which we should never take for granted.
“Indeed, my Salat, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin” (Surah Al An’am – 6:162)

Islamic Relief USA is committed to making your Qurbani/Udhiyah donation go further than ever this Eid-al-Adha, that’s why we’ve launched our Qurbani+ program. A new initiative that seeks to increase the income of families by partnering with them in an Islamic microfinance livelihood project connected to Eid al-Adha. For $199, the aim of this initiative is to Insha’Allah assist families to not only receive Qurbani meat but help them to break the cycle of poverty.
Find our more at https://irusa.org/qurbani-plus/.
We pray that you and your loved ones are showered with Allah’s blessings during this wonderful time of year Insha’Allah.
Jazakullah Khair.