Ramadan Reflections: Day 22 Nafs Hack with Sana Mahmood
Nafs Hack: Zhikr in Your Daily Routine Assalamu alaikum. My name is Sana Mahmood, and for my Nafs Hack, I’m going to be talking about how to bring zhikr into your daily routine. We live in a fast paced society, and it can get really tough to slow down and remember Allah (SWT), especially in times when we’re not praying. So, while I’m commuting or if I’m cooking, while I’m doing some of these mindless tasks, I like to do my zhikr. As I do my zhikr, I am able to really reflect upon my day. I’m able to reflect about my nafs, the state of my heart. In those…
Ramadan Reflections: Day 16 Nafs Hack with Nourah Samarkandi
Nafs Hack: Timing with Zhikr Assalamu alaikum! My name is Nourah Samarkandi, and this is my Nafs Hack for today. I like to do stretches in the morning. Normally, people time themselves with a timer when they’re doing stretches, but I like to time myself by saying Azkar Al-Subah. For example, when I do one move I say Surah Al-Falaq, and for the next move I say Surah An-Nas. This way, I remember to do my stretches and my azkar. You can apply this to any exercise you normally do. I hope this helps you remember to say your azkar during this Ramadan.