Safe Landing in Ramadan
Simple steps to make this Ramadan count
When Ramadan greeted us last year, the world was in a panic. Everything we knew to be normal was turned on its head. People lost loved ones. They lost livelihoods. Our overall balance was lost. At that time no cure was in sight and it seemed as if COVID-19 would never slow its steamroll through communities.
We made the best of Ramadan 2020. Some have said that the seclusion sometimes brought a different source of peace. Now we enter Ramadan 2021 can be a triumphant despite our trials. Here’s how to have a safe landing in the greatest month we know.
1. Qur’an by your capacity

Like 400 meters sprinters, many of us jump out of the starting blocks of Ramadan in the first days with wind beneath our wings. After firing on all cylinders for short time, the iftars, taraweeh, and tahajjud weighs heavy. On top of that we often set goes to complete the Qur’an or at least come close to completion. We can do ourselves a huge favor and reflect on how implementing a small portion of Qur’an reading can help us meet the finish line not feeling absolutely defeated. Little by little we can keep the promises we made to ourselves and still honor the revelation from Allah.
2. Have a dua plan

Life hits us all. That’s a guarantee since the age of time. Every year is filled with battles that we lean on Allah to support us in. What is isn’t guaranteed is that the battles we face will all manifest the same way.
This Ramadan is best opportunity to ask Allah to aid us in trials that are specific to us. Only we truly know the deepest we have to endure besides Allah. We can ask for ease for the very things we find difficult. Write out detailed plan of dua and what to ask for. The floodgates of mercy have swung open.
3. Give like never before

If we focus on the dollar amount we give in Ramadan, the true value of what it means will escape us. And at IRUSA if we gaze to far into beneficiary counts we what impact truly means will escape our humanitarian mission. Many times your compassionate donations arrive on the doorsteps of families deeply in despair. Our Ramadan Foodbox Project is a testimony to this value. Far before your support arrives many have already spent countless night praying for a helping hand. Your participation in these great acts of service instill more hope than you could possibly imagine in them. Our Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) generosity would skyrocket during Ramadan and yours can too. In the process you’ll comfort someone else.
4. Activate the adab

Our Islam is measured by our character and our ability to behave with the manners exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Ramadan is a time to nurture honesty, kindness, respect, humility, and reverence for the creation of Allah, and particularly humans.
Take inventory of how we interact with those who call friends, kin, associates, neighbors, and neighbors in humanity. We’ll find that no matter how well we’ve cared for these relationships there is always more work to be done. Then commit to improving in one area of these relations. It be a simple as greeting everyone with a smile of one act of service each day. In both cases, you will have made Ramadan sweeter to you and those around you.
We hope and pray that this is your best Ramadan yet and that you find time to take part in the special activities that IRUSA has to offer. We need each other more than ever. May Allah allow us to see the finish line. Thank you for working together for a better world and Ramdan for all!

Please our very own Ramadan resource guide to make this one count!