10 things for the last 10 days of Ramadan

The last 10 days of Ramadan are here, can you believe it? It feels like the last 20 days have just flown by. True to the Muslim spirit, it’s been so inspiring to see that despite the Covid-19 pandemic uncertainty. We are all united by our trust in Allah, and our commitment to carrying out a successful Ramadan.
As we enter into the end zone, the culmination of all that we have worked for this Ramadan is upon us. It’s time to make the most of it and maximise the blessings that are available to us during the incredibly special time of Ramadan.
So that’s why, at Islamic Relief USA, we’ve come up with 10 things that you can do during the last 10 days of this Ramadan.
(As an early Eid present we’ve also included a bonus item to the list).
- QUR’AN – We don’t just mean read it, we mean take the time to really understand what it is you’re reading. For example, have you ever studied the meaning of the four Qul’s? It’s amazing the lessons you can learn from them, and the power they hold. Also, fitting the theme of the last 10 days, the blessings they can offer.
- DUA’A – Take the time to make extra special dua’as during the last 10 days. The last one third of the night is a very special time to make dua’a. You never know as well, you could be making dua’a on Laylatul Qadr. Why don’t you try learning a new dua’a for each night?
- DHIKR – The last 10 days of Ramadan are a great time to remember Allah. What better way to do that then by doing dhikr? Take the time out of your day to spend even five minutes remember Allah and all that he has blessed us with. Even simply repeating Allahu Akbar, Alhmadulillah and Subhanallah is an amazing way to connect with Allah.
- PRAYER – In addition to your five salat a day, why not make special, voluntary prayers? As with making dua’a, the last third of the night is a particularly special time to make prayers. It was narrated in Bukhari, that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that, “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven in the last third of every night, and he says: Who is calling upon me that I may answer him? Who is asking from me that I may give him? Who is seeking my forgiveness that I may forgive him?”
- REFLECT – Ramadan is a great time to reflect upon where you are at in your life. With respect to your relationship with Allah, as well as with your loved ones. If needs be repent to Allah, for He is as forgiving as He is generous. As humans we can always improve, we can always do better, so what ways can you find to improve your relationship with Allah, with your loved ones, and with yourself? In ways that you can carry forward even after Ramadan is over.
- LEARN – Now is a great time to learn more about Islam. By increasing your knowledge of Islam, you are expanding your mind, enlightening your spirit and reinforcing your faith. The lessons you can learn during this period are ones that you will be able to carry with you for the rest of your life. So if there is a book, or a lecture series that you have been meaning to get into. What are you waiting for?
- REST – We live such hectic lives, even with everything that’s going on, it takes a toll on our minds and our bodies. Take the time during the last 10 days, to rest and recuperate, reconnect with yourself, and freshen your mind. That way you can focus your mind and give your best effort to your life and your Islam.
- CONNECT – Use this time to connect with your loved ones. Call your grandma, your mom, your brother, your best friend. Find out how they are, how their Ramadan is going, what they’ve been eating for Iftar. Share recipes, share stories, share advice, share your excitement for Eid and share your Ramadan stories with us on Instagram and Facebook @islamicreliefusa.
- LAYLATUL QADR – The most special night of the Muslim calendar, make sure you’re prepared for it. The odd nights are such a magical time of the year, Insha’Allah you’ll be staying up, making dua’a, praying to Allah. We really are blessed, and this is the perfect time that we can show Allah.
- ZAKAT – As one of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat is a vital part of every Muslim’s thinking. If you haven’t planned it out yet, we’ve got you covered. Head over to www.irusa.org/zakat. Your donations can really help make a difference to someone’s life this Ramadan.
- EID!!! – We promised you a bonus item as an Eid present and here it is. Get ready for Eid! Pull out your finest clothes, beg your parents to make their finest dishes and Insha’Allah we can celebrate the end of a blessed month. Also, with Coronavirus restrictions still in effect, we’re hosting a virtual Eid party over at www.irusa.org/live. So join us and Insha’Allah we all have an amazing Eid-ul-Fitr!
We’re still working hard to reach all of those that have been affected by Coronavirus, across the US and beyond. Insha’Allah if you’d like to make a difference too, you can help us to continue our work over at www.irusa.org/coronavirus. From all of us at Islamic Relief USA, we pray that you and your loved ones are healthy and staying safe Insha’Allah
Jazakullah Khair.