As we enter into the final 10 days of Ramadan, our level of reflection heightens as we approach the most blessed time, of the most blessed month. This is a time where we can seek additional spiritual knowledge, look to become even closer to Allah, and further purify our mind and soul during this hallowed month.
For many of us, this means relocating to our nearest mosque to carry out Itikaf, a chance for us to seal ourselves off from the outside world. Devoting our time solely to the worship of Allah, amongst other likeminded believers.
However, this year, as we all know, we have been faced with a Ramadan that has been unlike any other. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced mosques across the world to remain shut during Ramadan, meaning we’ve had that to change our usual habits.
It’s not all bad news though, because at Islamic Relief USA, we think, why not carry out Itikaf from the comfort of your own home? There truly has never been a better time to just block out the world and all Coronavirus news. Stay away from the TV, from your laptops, hands off your phones and instead, focus on your relationship with Allah.
Making the intention to carry out Itikaf is a truly special thing, and it comes with its own special set of rewards. It was narrated by Hazrat Ali (ra), that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that, “He who observes the ten days I’tikaf during Ramadhan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah.”
It must be said that Itikaf from your own home is not a like for like experience, and therefore doesn’t come under the same obligations as performing Itikaf in a mosque. So, you can of course attend to anything that requires your attention. However, with the same intentions, you will receive the same blessings and rewards Insha’Allah.
Here are our recommendations for Itikaf at home.
Power down – That means no TV, no laptops, no tablets, no technology. Unless absolutely crucial, turn those devices off. The only device you need is your mind.
Zone out – Find a corner of your house you can claim for your own. Make this your isolation zone within your isolation home.
Boost your signal –Carry out forms of worship and remembrance such as,
- Salat
- Dua’a,
- Dhikr
- Learning about Islam
- Repenting to Allah.
Insha’Allah, we hope that you are having a wonderful Ramadan, despite the craziness that is going on in the world. At Islamic Relief, we’re still working hard to reach all those in need who have been affected by the Coronavirus. You might be stuck at home but you can still make a difference by donating at www.irusa.org/coronavirus.
May Allah bless you and your loved ones,
Jazakullah Khair.