Eid an Exhale for Many
A blessed time of celebration in COVID-19 year 2
Still a new normal

Millions around the world fasting and worshipping during the second Ramadan we’ve experienced as a global community yearned to return to some sense of normalcy. In 2020 our Ramadan was housed in our homes, isolated, introspective, and far from the usual folksy vibe that the month belonging to Allah provides. We virtually met, prayed, and remembered Allah.
The way we administered charity dramatically changed as well. Our infamously fulfilling Ramadan Pack-outs were now at distance,heavily disinfected, and dealt an emotional blow. The high-fives of a station being done with their box count was no more. The cherished group photos were no more. But the spirit of serving our neighbors remained.
A collective exhale

This Eid entered upon us after a country-wide vaccine roll-out and a consistent dip in infections. We pray and hope that the situation continues to change to change for the better. Our ability to congregate improved and thus the Eids we’ve known to be sources of joy were resembled in this one, with masks of course.
Your contributions of Zakat also serve as a breath of fresh air to families and individuals who’ve just begun to recover from the aftershocks of COVID-19. People may still be looking at many months to go until their income is replaced, losses restored, and lives put back on track. For now we’ll ride the spiritual high until the next approaches. May Allah bless your worship, service, and support.

This year, Eid UL Fitr Gifts project covered 1,252 sponsored orphans in Bamako and Oulessebougou. The project aims to bring happiness and joy to orphans and their mothers during Eid ul Fitr celebration by providing each child with a full dress including one pair of shoes.