3 Easy Ways to do Facebook Birthdays Right
Before we begin, we must say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We pray Allah grants you many more spins around the sun. Birthdays are special because they remind us of how precious the time we get on earth is. What better way to celebrate that than giving from your heart and blessings?! Facebook Birthdays are gaining traction with more and more people giving their family and friends the opportunity to give to humanitarian causes. So, here are some ways to make your Facebook birthday campaign successful. Facebook has helped us make it easy to do. Ok, here we go! 1. Who, What, Where….. Your description means everything. A pro tip is to make…
‘Back to School’ For Tunisia Students
Some students in Tunisia were hesitant to attend school due to the sub-par bathroom facilities. Now, they’re excited to attend after a special, important makeover thanks to a $5 million commitment by Islamic Relief USA. Obstacles to Education In Tunisia an education can put a child in the driver’s seat of their own life. Finding a student in the region who doesn’t understand and believe this to be true will be nearly impossible. But while students in Tunisia are eager to attend school for the upcoming year, they often face a challenging dilemma–one that makes the reality of attending school difficult, and sometimes, nearly impossible: adequate bathrooms. In one town…
6 Ayahs on Allah’s Promises for Good Deeds
Everything we did in preparation to receive and spread love this Eid didn’t come easy. But we buckled down, dug deep in our hearts, and within our pockets, to make sure that people we love can enjoy themselves. There were also people you knew you’d never have the pleasure of meeting face-to-face that you sent you fresh Qurbani meat to. And even if it wasn’t money that you contributed, the time spent caring for those closest to you was truly an investment in the bounty of Allah. We’ve collected six ayahs to remind ourselves and you of the promises of Allah for those who do good for his sake. Surah…
Visitors from IR Kenya Highlight Transformative Impact of US Support
Islamic Relief partner offices visit Capitol Hill Donations from Islamic Relief USA supporters, as well as US government funding, play a vital role in programs that are overcoming interfaith conflict and lifting people out of poverty in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous places. That was the message of representatives from Islamic Relief Kenya and Islamic Relief Worldwide as they visited the United States in mid-July 2019 to meet representatives of USAID, the Kenyan embassy, and various officials on Capitol Hill. The visiting delegation included Naser Haghamed, CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide, Obaid Rahman, Country Director of Islamic Relief Kenya, and Gloria Kivuva, Communications Officer for Islamic Relief…