Turkeys for All
Some 82,000 people will be served this season via IRUSA’s turkey distributions

One of Islamic Relief USA’s most popular seasonal programs took place just days before Thanksgiving.
The 2021 U.S. Turkey Distribution strives to provide turkeys to families and households experiencing food insecurity or other difficulties. During a time of rising food costs, these turkeys can make all the difference between a festive meal or just getting by. The estimated price for a turkey this year across the country is a whopping $28! Partners across America worked with IRUSA to place turkeys in the hands of as many people we serve as possible.
As is IRUSA’s custom, all of the 16,000-plus turkeys are halal, with each one serving up to five individuals.
In places like Detroit, Michigan,those who have already received their birds expressed gratitude “Thanks to Islamic relief USA, we’re able to share halal turkey with our family this year,” said one grateful recipient.
Another recipient said, “We’re blessed to benefit from these food programs throughout the year.”

Abdullah Syed, an assistant programs director at IRUSA based in Texas, said the team there had an amazing experience serving a community in Granbury, TX which is more than an hour away from the big cities. Families of all backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses who are in need came out. They were pleased to see the organization providing winter coats, school supplies, hygiene kits, food boxes, in addition to the turkeys. The additional supplies will enable families to enjoy Thanksgiving in a dignified manner.
The organization aims to serve approximately 82,400 people in 32 cities in 19 states through 40 partnerships with community groups. IRUSA has dedicated more than $476,000 toward this uplifting program. All partners will complete their distribution in early December. Many of these local organizations work in areas where there are high levels of food insecurity, if not poverty.

Islamic Relief USA still strives to provide some cheer during the holiday season. For many people around the world, it can be a downright difficult time. We believe that no one should have to choose between a comforting time for family and loved ones or the pains of inflated living expenses many are feeling around the country. Thank you to everyone who made turkey distributions possible again this year. The smiles on the faces of relieved families are priceless.
Today you can still bring those same smiles with a $30 contribution to our USA Humanitarian Aid fund which can help provide a halal turkey and more to a family in need.