Poem: Water for Life
Award Winning Poet Tariq Touré pays tribute to the impact of water projects.
For the dried mouths of newborns
And the cops that wait ages
To taste the moisture of rain
As the clouds form to perform
And dance of hope above the heads
Of entire communities thinned out
From famine and drought and thirst
That earthquakes them awake
In nights that feel like eternity
We work for water
Water for life
Water for now
Water for forever
For families that have forgotten
The taste of fresh mango and yam
And the farms waiting With trembling hands
For the first field to be fed
Hoping that beads of water
Give birth to a new harvest
A harvest the halts the cries
Of hungry babies
A harvest that wraps its arms
Around the village so tight
They forget the hunger pangs
Of yesterday’s reality
You will find us working for water
Water for life
Water for now
Water for forever
For school children eager
To secure their future
Against every odd placed before them
For young girls ready
To ready another nation from their minds
Without the threat of disease
Flowing from what they drink
Everyday gone without
The worry of water
With the wealth of a well
With the safety of sanitation
Is a day to celebrate
This is why we believe in
Water for forever
Water for now
Water for life