A New Year means New ways to Serve at IRUSA

IRUSA’s cutting edge micro-finance project puts entrepreneurs in developing regions in control of their businesses with the help of kind hearts.
A new perspective
We say it repeatedly anytime there is space to have a sober conversation about global inequality, nearly 1 billion people live in poverty today. IRUSA has committed itself to solving this issue alongside partners who also believe poverty can be significantly reduced. As we close another 365 days out and move into the new year, IRUSA is excited about the potential impacts our newest innovations can produce.
Poverty to Profit is IRUSA’s newest and incredibly dynamic pathway to entrepreneurs seeking funding in developing countries. For women attempting to make a livelihood that can support their family, creating and selling goods drastically increases the probability of escaping poverty. But overall, access to capital has been non-factor for millions of breadwinners.

Impact to count on
What Poverty to Profit does is give donors and beneficiaries building or running their own businesses an opportunity to connect like never before. Pakistan is the pilot country for this program and is already experiencing the positive impacts of it.
Entrepreneurs apply for an interest free loan in Pakistan to help setup and/or grow their business. Their information is then added to the website to raise funds to cover the loan and so that it can be used again and again once the loan has been repaid. Over 99% of loans are repaid in full. Donors are able to go directly to the micro-finance page, and give directly to the entrepreneur of their choice.

Finding new ways forward
The funds take pressure of program participants who are already greatly suffering from cashflow issues in their businesses. With continued contributions the sky is the limit for these entrepreneurs in Pakistan and the other regions that IRUSA will soon be blessed to assist in. Closing the new year with new projects and renewed passion for service means a new hope. IRUSA wishes you a blessed start and we are excited to continue working together for a better world.